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Plasma and Fusion Undergraduate Research Opportunities (PFURO)

Plasma and Fusion Undergraduate Research Opportunities (PFURO)

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Current and recently graduated undergraduate students from US universities are invited to apply every year to the Plasma and Fusion Undergraduate Research Opportunities (PFURO) program, hosted by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). Participants conducted remote research at undergraduate institutions throughout the US (universities, colleges, and other educational research institutions). Specifically, participants:

  • Conduct 10 weeks of remote summer research under the guidance of faculty and staff at US undergraduate institutions (universities, colleges, and other educational research institutions).
  • Participate in the 2-week Intro to Plasma and Fusion course hosted by PPPL.  
  • Are invited to join all of the workforce development seminars and workshops available for PPPL summer undergraduate interns
  • Receive a $600 weekly stipend for the duration of the 10 week, 40hr/week research experience.
  • Are sponsored to present their research at a national topical conference.  Most students would present at APS-DPP, but it may also be GEC, ICOPS, SOFE, or another relevant topical conference. 
Research is conducted in one of four main areas: magnetic fusion energy; fusion materials and technology; general plasma science; and high energy density plasmas.

See more about the program at this link