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At the current stage of research on thermonuclear fusion, a wide range of diagnostic measurement methods is under development for °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ as well as medium-sized devices such as W7-X, WEST, ASDEX, and JET. This work is driven by emerging technologies, advances in detection methods, and the fast-advancing possibilities of modern electronics.

In the future, there will be demand for well-trained researchers who have a comprehensive knowledge of diagnostic methods.

Held every two years, the PhDiaFusion Summer School is aimed at graduate students and their tutors, in the spirit of a "master and apprentice" approach. The Summer School is a joint cooperation between CEA Cadarache (France), the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN (Poland).

The next edition will be held in 2025. See all information here.