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  • 35th Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor TG Meeting
    21 Oct - 24 Oct, 2024
    Prague, Czech Republic
  • 44th MHD, Disruptions and Control TG Meeting
    22 Oct - 25 Oct, 2024
    Gandhinagar, India
  • 33rd Integrated Operation Scenarios TG Meeting
    28 Oct - 31 Oct, 2024
  • ​27th ITPA CC Meeting
    04 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
  • 15th CTP Ex Com Meeting
    06 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
Veuillez nous excuser, mais cette page n'est pas encore disponible en Français.


The physics studied by the Scrape-Off-Layer (SOL) and Divertor Topical Group covers a wide range of issues. Starting at the first wall surface, issues include plasma-material interactions and their dependence on materials, and hydrogen isotope recycling and their storage in the first-wall. A more engineering-like issue is the first wall geometry and material and how these affect operation. Moving into the divertor and SOL plasmas, the issues are related to transport (parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field) of hydrogenic and impurity species. At the SOL/core interface this group shall address the relationship between core and edge confinement (e.g. H-modes and density limits) as well as understanding the changes in core confinement on the edge and first-wall (e.g. Edge Localized Modes) and the resultant heat loads.


The Scrape-Off-Layer and Divertor Topical Group shall focus their tasks on the following topics:

  • Participate in developing and validating divertor physics (including detachment, impurity transport and pumping) of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ on the basis of experimental, theoretical, and modeling results
  • Assist the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ Organization in defining the goals and program for °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ operation, including diagnostic requirements
  • Develop a quantitative understanding of heat loads on all plasma facing components for steady state and transients, e.g. Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) and disruptions
  • Understand the role of external actuators (e.g. radiofrequency heating and resonant magnetic perturbations) on the SOL and impurity sources as well the effect of the SOL on those actuators
  • Characterize and understand the multiple hydrogenic retention paths and their dependences on material and operating scenario, while also addressing the effects of mixing materials on material properties (e.g. erosion rates and thermal conductivity) as well as tritium removal techniques
  • Develop new diagnostics for a variety of processes such as dust, erosion, and hydrogenic retention
  • Develop methods of conditioning for pre-operation as well as during operation


Corr Cormac
Thompson Matt


Cai Laizhong
Ding Hongbing
Ding Rui
Luo Guang-Nan
Wang Liang
Xu Min


Fedorczak Nicolas
Hakola Antti
Harrison James
Jakubowski Marcin (Stell. Rep)
Schmid Klaus
Theiler Christian
Varoutis Stylianos
Wiesen Sven (Dep. Chair)


Bisai Nirmal Kumar
Kakati Mayur
Menon Vinay
Sharma Devendra


Fukumoto Masakatsu
Masuzaki Suguru
Motojima Gen
Nakano Tomohide
Ohno Noriyasu
Sakamoto Mizuki
Ueda Yoshio


Bak Jun-Gyo
Choe Wonho
Chung Kyu-Sun
Hong Suk Ho
Lee Hyungho


Budaev Viacheslav
Gasparyan Yury
Martynenko Yury
Poznyak Igor
Rozhansky Vladimir


Casali Livia
Leonard Tony
Mclean Adam
Patino Marlene
Rapp Juergen (Chair)
Schmitz Oliver
Umansky Maxim


Wauters Tom (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ Dep. Chair)
  • Abramst Tyler (US)
  • Arakcheev Aleksey (RF)
  • Arkhipov Nikolay (RF)
  • Asakura Nobuyuki (JA)
  • Baelmans Martine (EU)
  • Bisson Regis (EU)
  • Bonnin Xavier (IO)
  • Bortolon Alessandro (US)
  • Chen Junlin (CN)
  • Coster David (EU)
  • Cowley Cyd (EU)
  • Crombe Kristel (EU)
  • Das Amita (IN)
  • Du Hailong (CN)
  • Fenstermacher Max (US)
  • Fevrier Olivier (EU)
  • Giroud Carine (EU)
  • Goriaev Andrei (EU)
  • Gray Travis (US)
  • Hollmann Eric (US)
  • Horacek Jan (EU)
  • Kado Shinichiro (JA)
  • Khirwadkar Samir (IN)
  • Killer Carsten (EU)
  • Kirschner Andreas (EU)
  • Koenders Jesse (EU)
  • Krashennikov Sergei (US)
  • Kwak Jong Gu (KO)
  • Labit Benoit (EU)
  • Linke Jochen (EU)
  • Lopez-Rodriguez Daniel (EU)
  • Lore Jeremy (US)
  • Lyssoivan Anatoli (EU)
  • Matveev Dmitry (EU)
  • Mayer Matej (EU)
  • Meister Hans (EU)
  • Morgan Tom (EU)
  • Oliveira Diego (EU)
  • Orlov Dmitri (US)
  • Park Jae-Sun (KO)
  • Pestchanyi Sergey (EU)
  • RasiÅ„ski Marcin (EU)
  • Reiter Detlev (EU)
  • Richou Marianne (EU)
  • RIVALS Nicolas (EU)
  • Rudakov Dmitry (US)
  • Sergienko Gennady (EU)
  • Skinner Charles (US)
  • Tanabe Tetsuo (JA)
  • Tierens Wouter (US)
  • Tokitani Masayuki (JA)
  • Traverso Peter (US)
  • Tsui Cedric (US)
  • Unterberg Bernhard (EU)
  • van Berkel Matthijs (EU)
  • Vianello Nicola (EU)
  • Wirth Brian (US)
  • Wirtz Marius (EU)
  • Xie Jinlin (CN)
  • Xu Haiyan (CN)
  • Xu Guoliang (CN)
  • Yang Zhongshi (CN)
  • Zhitlukhin Anatoly (RF)
  • Aho-Mantila Leena (EU)
  • Ashikawa Naoko (JA)
  • Boedo Jose (US)
  • Borodin Dmitriy (EU)
  • Brezinsek Sebastijan (EU)
  • BULTEL Arnaud (EU)
  • Chung Jin-Il (KO)
  • Ciraolo Guido (EU)
  • Corre Yann (EU)
  • Davis Jim (US)
  • Durif Alan (EU)
  • Emdee Eric (US)
  • Escourbiac Frederic (IO)
  • Faitsch Michael (EU)
  • Ferro Yves (EU)
  • Fukuda Makoto (JA)
  • Goldston Robert (US)
  • Groth Mathias (EU)
  • Guo Jin (CN)
  • Hecko Jan (EU)
  • Hoelzl Matthias (EU)
  • Hoshino Kazuo (JA)
  • Huber Alexander (EU)
  • Kim Woong Chae (KO)
  • Klepper Chris (US)
  • Klimov Nikolay (RF)
  • Kobayashi Masahiro (JA)
  • Kreter Arkadi (EU)
  • La Bombard Brian (US)
  • Lee Heun tae (JA)
  • Li Nami (US)
  • Lipschultz Bruce (EU)
  • Loewenhoff Thorsten (EU)
  • Lunsford Robert (US)
  • Lunt Tilmann (EU)
  • Maddaluno Giorgio (EU)
  • Moon Sunwoo (IO)
  • Nishijima Daisuke (US)
  • Pan Ou (EU)
  • Philipps Volker (EU)
  • Pshenov Andrey (RF)
  • Putrik Anton (RF)
  • Ratynskaia Svetlana (EU)
  • Reimerdes Holger (EU)
  • Reimold Felix (EU)
  • Rizzi Tommaso (EU)
  • Rognlien Thomas (US)
  • Romazanov Juri (EU)
  • Sakamoto Ryuichi (JA)
  • Schwartz-Selinger Thomas (EU)
  • Shukla Braj (IN)
  • Stangeby Peter (US)
  • Sun Zhen (US)
  • Tamain Patrick (EU)
  • V. toussaint Udo (EU)
  • Van Blarcum Jonathan (US)
  • Van Rooij Gerard (EU)
  • Vondracek Petr (EU)
  • Wüthrich Curdin (EU)
  • Xu Xueqiao (US)
  • Yamoto Shohei (JA)
  • Yan Ning (CN)
  • Zholobenko Wladimir (EU)
  • Abe Shota (US)
  • Baldwin Matthew (US)
  • Bednarek Maja (EU)
  • Beidler Matthew (US)
  • Bernert Matthias (EU)
  • Bucalossi Jerome (EU)
  • Bykov Igor (US)
  • Cao Chengzhi (CN)
  • Carpentier-Chouchana Sophie (IO)
  • Carralero Daniel (EU)
  • Cavalier Jordan (EU)
  • Chang Choong-Seock (US)
  • Chen Lei (IO)
  • Colas Laurent (EU)
  • Counsell Glenn (EU)
  • De Pascuale Sebastian (US)
  • Douai David (EU)
  • Effenberg Florian (US)
  • Eldon David (US)
  • Garcia Odd Erik (Other)
  • Gracias William (IO)
  • Grisolia Christian (EU)
  • Heinke Frerichs (US)
  • Heinola Kalle (EU)
  • Hu Jianshen (CN)
  • Huang Juan (CN)
  • Hwang Junghoo (KO)
  • Ibano Kenzo (JA)
  • Kikuchi Yusuke (JA)
  • Kolasinski Robert (US)
  • Komm Michael (EU)
  • Krieger Karl (EU)
  • Kryjak Mike (EU)
  • Kwon Kyu been (KO)
  • Lasnier Charles (US)
  • Litnovsky Andrey (EU)
  • Lomanowski Bartosz (EU)
  • Luda Teobaldo Luda di Cortemiglia (EU)
  • Ma Qun (CN)
  • Maingi Rajesh (US)
  • Neu Rudolf (EU)
  • Okamoto Atsushi (JA)
  • Pantleon Wolfgang (EU)
  • Patil Yashashri (IN)
  • Pegourie Bernard (EU)
  • Perillo Renato (US)
  • Rack Michael (EU)
  • Rohde Volker (EU)
  • Roth Joachim (EU)
  • Seo Dongcheol (KO)
  • Silvagni Davide (EU)
  • Smirnov Roman (US)
  • Stagni Adriano (EU)
  • Tabares Vazquez Francisco Luis (EU)
  • Thornton Andrew (EU)
  • Tolias Panagiotis (EU)
  • Tskhakaya David (EU)
  • Verhaegh Kevin (EU)
  • Whyte Dennis (US)
  • Widdowson Anna M. (EU)
  • Zhang Wei (CN)
  • Zhong Guangwu (CN)
  • Zhu Dahuan (CN)
  • Adamek Jiri (EU)
  • Airila Markus (EU)
  • Bae Min-keun (KO)
  • Balden Martin (EU)
  • Buermans Johan (EU)
  • Bufferand Hugo (EU)
  • Cavedon Marco (EU)
  • Chankin Alex (EU)
  • Coburn Jonathan (US)
  • Coenen Jan Willem (EU)
  • Dejarnac Renaud (EU)
  • Dekeyser Wouter (EU)
  • Ding Fang (CN)
  • England Alan (KO)
  • Ezumi Naomichi (JA)
  • Ghim Young-chul (KO)
  • Greuner Henri (EU)
  • Gunn Jamie (EU)
  • Herrmann Albrecht (EU)
  • Hirai Takeshi (IO)
  • Houben Anne (EU)
  • Hu Qiming (US)
  • In Yongkyoon (KO)
  • Jia Manni (CN)
  • Kallenbach Arne (EU)
  • Kocan Martin (IO)
  • Kotov Vladislav (EU)
  • Krat Stepan (RF)
  • Kukushkin Andrei (RF)
  • Lasa Ane (US)
  • Lee Chan Yeong (KO)
  • Li Wei (CN)
  • Likonen Jari (EU)
  • Liu Shaocheng (CN)
  • Loarer Thierry (EU)
  • Matthews Guy (EU)
  • Meier Eric (US)
  • Mougenot Jonathan (EU)
  • Navarro-Gonzalez Marcos (US)
  • Panayotis Stephanie (IO)
  • Pintsuk Gerald (EU)
  • Pitts Richard (IO)
  • Ravensbergen Timo (IO)
  • Redl Andreas (EU)
  • Rubel Marek (EU)
  • Shimada Masashi (US)
  • Shiraiwa Syunichi (US)
  • Shohji Mamoru (JA)
  • Sun Hongjuan (EU)
  • Tal Balazs (EU)
  • Tang Xianzhu (US)
  • Tonello Elena (EU)
  • Tsitrone Emmanuelle (EU)
  • Vignitchouk Ladislas (EU)
  • Vyacheslavov Leonid (RF)
  • Wilcox Bob (US)
  • Wischmeier Marco (EU)
  • Wu Na (CN)
  • Yang Hua (CN)
  • Zheng Guoyao (CN)
  • Zhu Ben (US)
  • Zoletnik Sandor (EU)
  • Zuo Guizhong (CN)