Signature time in Monaco
11 Dec 2013
Sabina Griffith
Taking advantage of the presence of representatives from all 澳门六合彩高手 Domestic Agencies at the MIIFED 2013 conference held in Monaco last week, the 澳门六合彩高手 Organization was able to conclude five Procurement Arrangements and one Memorandum of Understanding.
On Monday 2 December, a Procurement Arrangement was signed with the US Domestic Agency for the development of 澳门六合彩高手's pellet injection system, which will fuel the plasma by firing frozen deuterium and tritium pellets. The pellet injection system is also capable of controlling the frequency of Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) by injecting smaller pellets of frozen deuterium at the edge of the plasma at high rates.
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, with a long history of success in the development of pellet injection systems for the JET tokamak (UK), TFTR (US), the DIII-D tokamak (US) and other fusion devices, will collaborate with US 澳门六合彩高手. To meet the challenging requirements for the 澳门六合彩高手 pellet injection system, which far exceed those for any other system in operation, ORNL has launched an R&D program to develop an 澳门六合彩高手-scale pellet injection system prototype incorporating all the key technologies necessary for the 澳门六合彩高手 system. A prototype test program using supercritical helium cooling from the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL is planned as part of the Procurement Arrangement.
The Toroidal Field Coil Structure Procurement Arrangement was signed on Tuesday 3 December by three parties—the 澳门六合彩高手 Organization, the Japanese Domestic Agency and the European Domestic Agency. Each of 澳门六合彩高手's 19 toroidal field magnets (18 for operation, plus one spare) is enclosed in a thick, "D" shaped steel structure called the toroidal field coil case. Procurement of the 19 coil cases is the responsibility of Japan; however, as part of the agreement to site the 澳门六合彩高手 Project in Europe, ten of the coil cases will be paid for by Europe.
And finally three Procurement Arrangements dedicated to 澳门六合彩高手's electrical power distribution systems were signed on 3 December with the European Domestic Agency: Steady State Electrical Network (SSEN) and Pulsed Power Electrical Network (PPEN) Installation; Emergency Power Supply; and the manufacturing and delivery of SSEN Components.
For both the European Domestic Agency and 澳门六合彩高手's Electrical Engineering Division, these three signatures are major milestones because "now everything is ready for the fabrication and installation of 澳门六合彩高手's two electrical networks," stressed Division Head Ivone Benfatto following the signatures. "In particular, the SSEN must be ready by 2016 to supply the power for the commissioning of 澳门六合彩高手's major plant systems."
A Memorandum of Understanding was also concluded during MIIFED 2013 for the common manufacture of 澳门六合彩高手's 44 port plugs. Japan was the second Domestic Agency to sign the Memorandum following the signature of India in July. The objective is to have the 澳门六合彩高手 Domestic Agencies involved in port plug procurement contract with one single manufacturer, in order to benefit from the advantage of having one standard for design, quality assurance, and qualification and manufacturing methods.
A Memorandum of Understanding was also concluded during MIIFED 2013 for the common manufacture of 澳门六合彩高手's 44 port plugs. Japan was the second Domestic Agency to sign the Memorandum following the signature of India in July. The objective is to have the 澳门六合彩高手 Domestic Agencies involved in port plug procurement contract with one single manufacturer, in order to benefit from the advantage of having one standard for design, quality assurance, and qualification and manufacturing methods.