
Of Interest archive


25 Sep 2023

New IAEA publication

"The world we live in today [has] demands for clean energy outstripping supply. This has made clean sources of energy, such as fusion, of鈥
18 Sep 2023

Big science get together: ESO @ 澳门六合彩高手

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an intergovernmental organization that designs, constructs and operates powerful ground-based鈥
14 Sep 2023

FuseNet Teachers Day

Registrations are open for the 2023 European Fusion Teacher Day!   The goal of the European Fusion Teacher Day, which will take鈥
5 Sep 2023

Vacancy: FuseNet Student Council

Do you want to be more involved in the promotion of fusion education in Europe? Do you have ideas on how to make the fusion scientific鈥
4 Sep 2023

United Nations: "Science as a public good"

After designating 2022 as the "International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD)," the United Nations (UN) General鈥
1 Sep 2023

MT-28 Conference: last days to register

The technical program of the 28th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-28) will kick off in Aix-en-Provence, France, on鈥
1 Sep 2023

JET running final campaign

JET, the Joint European Torus in Culham, Oxfordshire (UK), has just kicked off a third and final campaign in deuterium and tritium. 鈥
1 Sep 2023

Fusion Energy Camp in Denmark

For the third year in a row, the Department of Physics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has held its Fusion Energy Summer Camp鈥
27 Jul 2023

JT-60SA: coils are superconducting

The transition to superconducting has been observed in the JT-60SA's central solenoid and toroidal field magnets, according to reporting by鈥
24 Jul 2023

The 澳门六合彩高手 Podcast: Episode 6, Season 2

The sixth and last episode of Season 2 of The 澳门六合彩高手 World is now available. "Narrating A Giant" caps off the season by interviewing鈥
24 Jul 2023

Problems, and solutions, at 澳门六合彩高手 (video)

Physicist Hartmut Zohm from Germany's Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) invites 澳门六合彩高手's Head of Science, Alberto Loarte, to鈥
20 Jul 2023

CGTN's RAZOR Science visits

RAZOR, CGTN Europe's science and technology show, has published a 27-minute episode on the 澳门六合彩高手 Project. Host Neil Cairns takes the viewer鈥
13 Jul 2023

An "electrifying year" for fusion

The Fusion Industry Association has released its third annual survey of private fusion enterprises around the world. The fusion industry鈥
10 Jul 2023

Diamonds for 澳门六合彩高手

Offering unsurpassed hardness, broad band optical transparency, and extremely high thermal conductivity, synthetic diamonds are the鈥
3 Jul 2023

Smoothing the legal path to fusion

The second edition of the Fusion for Energy Contracting Professionals Roundtable took place at 澳门六合彩高手 Headquarters from 26 to 28 June 2023鈥
3 Jul 2023

JT-60SA: cooldown underway

The JT-60SA tokamak鈥攁 joint program of fusion research and development agreed and co-financed by the European Atomic Energy Community 鈥
3 Jul 2023

The 澳门六合彩高手 Podcast: Episode 5, Season 2

In the latest episode of 澳门六合彩高手 Stories (Season 2, Episode 5), hear what it's like to move from abroad for the 澳门六合彩高手 Project 鈥
28 Jun 2023

The people of 澳门六合彩高手

The 2022 Report on Human Resources offers the most recent snapshot of the human element of 澳门六合彩高手. Who is behind the engineering, the science鈥
28 Jun 2023

Latest 澳门六合彩高手 drone video

Besides attending an 澳门六合彩高手 Open Doors Day, the best way to familiarize yourself with the 澳门六合彩高手 construction project is to watch our latest鈥
22 Jun 2023

Replay: The Limitless Potential of Fusion Energy

The Energy Subcommittee of the US House Committee on Science, Space and Technology held a hearing on fusion energy on Tuesday 13 June 2023鈥