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PPPL Graduate Summer School

PPPL Graduate Summer School

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The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Graduate Summer School (GSS) welcomes students from a broad range of fields: magnetic fusion energy sciences, high energy density plasmas, astrophysics, low temperature plasmas, materials science, etc. Students whose research has a substantial intersection with plasma physics are encouraged to apply. The annual summer school typically consists of 3 mini-courses of four 50-minute lectures each. The topics are selected for their relevance to a wide range of sub-fields of plasma physics, and taught by PPPL scientists and collaborators. Participants are asked to present on their research (or on their group's research if they haven't begun research themselves) at a poster session during the week or orally to the group. Additionally, various opportunitites will be given throughout the week to meet and interact with PPPL students and scientists with the purpose of promoting future collaborations.

The 2024 School, planned from 29 July to 2 August, will be a collaboration between PPPL and the Simons Foundation Hidden Symmetries & Fusion Energy project. The school will focus on the scientific and engineering challenges of designing and deploying stellarators for fusion. See this page for all information. (Applications close on 30 April.)