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  • 35th Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor TG Meeting
    21 Oct - 24 Oct, 2024
    Prague, Czech Republic
  • 44th MHD, Disruptions and Control TG Meeting
    22 Oct - 25 Oct, 2024
    Gandhinagar, India
  • 33rd Integrated Operation Scenarios TG Meeting
    28 Oct - 31 Oct, 2024
  • ​27th ITPA CC Meeting
    04 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
  • 15th CTP Ex Com Meeting
    06 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
Veuillez nous excuser, mais cette page n'est pas encore disponible en Français.


The general scope of the ITPA Topical Group on MHD, Disruptions and Control is to provide the experimental and theoretical basis and recommendations for both conventional and advanced tokamak scenarios on next step burning fusion devices in the areas of: β limiting MHD instabilities and their active control; disruptions (physics, prediction, avoidance and mitigation), and the connected halo currents, forces and heat loads; and plasma magnetic control (current, position, shape, error fields). In these areas the group shall co-ordinate collaborative research activities among international fusion research establishments, including experiments to be conducted, analysis of results, modelling and comparison with theory. The group shall also direct the application of the present understanding to modelling and assessment of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ plasmas. Predictions for burning plasma experiments require the construction, extension and analysis of a disruption database, and contributions to other databases. In addition, research priorities for Physics R&D in support of burning plasma experiments have to be identified and formulated and to be endorsed by the ITPA Coordinating Committee. Based on these activities, the TG shall recommend physics guidelines and methodologies for physics and technical design of burning plasma experiments. Publications and presentations on the activities of the TG to fusion journals and international conferences will be promoted.


The tasks of the MHD, Disruptions and Control Topical Group, on the basis of operimental and theoretical studies, shall address three main topics:

  • MHD instabilities and their control:
    • Limits imposed on plasma parameters, especially β, by MHD instabilities in both conventional and advanced tokamak operation, e.g. neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs), external kinks, and resistive wall modes (RWMs)
    • Active control of MHD instabilities via pressure and current profile control
    • Active control of MHD instabilities via conducting structures and additional coils
    • Interaction of MHD modes with plasma rotation, error fields and TF ripple
    • Diagnostic issues related to measurement and control of MHD instabilities
  • Disruptions and their mitigation:
    • Disruption characterisation (e.g. thermal and current quench times, halo currents, production and quenching of runaway electrons) and its projection to future machines
    • Validation of theoretical models used in disruption studies, namely disruption prediction, avoidance and mitigation
    • Extension of the existing disruption database, especially towards q â‰ˆ 3 discharges, quench time scales and halo current asymmetries
    • Tools and recommendations for disruption prediction, avoidance, and mitigation — both for heat loads and forces to achieve reliable machine protection
    • Assessment of disruption mitigation by techniques including pellets and strong gas puffs
    • Avoidance and mitigation of runaway electron production during current decay
    • Scenarios of emergency plasma termination (fast shut-down)
    • Diagnostic issues related to prediction, avoidance, and mitigation of disruptions
  • Plasma magnetic control:
    • Recommendations on the reactor relevant conventional and advanced tokamak scenarios
    • Plasma scenario and machine sequencing requirements to obtain the plasma target parameters and to avoid disruption
    • Feedback and feedforward control of plasma current, position and shape by axi-symmetric poloidal fields
    • Control and reduction of error fields
    • Experimental validation of theoretical models used for magnetic control simulations
    • Diagnostic issues related to magnetic control
    • Development, tests and recommendations on magnetic control used in Plasma Control Simulators. (Taking into account the high cost of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ equipment and the cost of running a tokamak discharge, all experiments should be at first simulated and properly optimised with user friendly numerical codes referred to as Plasma Control Simulators. Activity on the PCS includes development of codes, their validation in experiments, improvements in the codes and simulation of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ discharges with feedforward and feedback plasma control.)
  • Runaway electrons:
    • Study of the generation of runaway electrons by disruptions in present devices and comparison with theory
    • Development of  mitigation/control tools for °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ


Ding Yonghua
Liu Yi
Sun Youwen
Wang Xiaogang
Zhu Ping


Cavinato Mario
Ham Christopher
Hoelzl Matthias
Markovic Tomas
Piron Lidia
Ratta Giuseppe (Contact)
Reux Cédric
Sheikh Umar (Contact)


Bandyopadhyay Indranil (Chair)
Chandra Debasis
Sen Abhijit


Furukawa Masaru
Inoue Shizuo
Isayama Akihiko
Masamune Sadao
Matsuyama Akinobu
Sakakibara Satoru
Suzuki Yasuhiro (Stell. Rep)
Watanabe Kiyomasa


Bak Jun-Gyo
Jeon Young-Mu
Kim Jay Hyun
Kwon Oh-Jin
Lee Sang-Gon
Park Gunyoung


Ivanov Nikolay
Lukash Victor
Medvedev Sergei
Mirnov Sergey
Pustovitov Vladimir


Chapman Brett
Eidietis Nick
Granetz Bob (Contact)
Jardin Steve
Logan Nikolas
Park Jong-Kyu (Dep. Chair)
Sabbagh Steven


Jachmich Stefan (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¸ßÊÖ Dep. Chair)
  • Bai Xue (IO)
  • Bardoczi Laszlo (US)
  • Baruzzo Matteo (EU)
  • Benkadda Sadruddin (EU)
  • Burckhart Andreas (EU)
  • Dumont Remi (EU)
  • Fasoli Ambrogio (EU)
  • Garofalo Andrea (US)
  • Ghosh Joydeep (IN)
  • Guo Bihao (CN)
  • Hender Tim (EU)
  • Imrisek Martin (EU)
  • Joffrin Emmanuel (EU)
  • Levesque Jeffrey (US)
  • Maget Patrick (EU)
  • Martin Piero (EU)
  • Okabayashi Michio (US)
  • Paccagnella Roberto (EU)
  • Polevoi Alexei (IO)
  • Riccardo Rossi (EU)
  • Shiraishi Junya (JA)
  • Strauss Hank (US)
  • Tonello Elena (EU)
  • Villone Fabio (EU)
  • Wang Hui-Hui (CN)
  • Zhang Yang (CN)
  • Zheng Wei (CN)
  • Zohm Hartmut (EU)
  • Aymerich Enrico (EU)
  • Bando Takahiro (JA)
  • Berkery Jack (US)
  • Chapman Ian (EU)
  • Daniel Raju (IN)
  • Duan Yanmin (CN)
  • Gao Qindi (CN)
  • Gribov Yuri (IO)
  • Hollmann Eric (US)
  • Hu Liqun (CN)
  • Kim Woong Chae (KO)
  • Kim Gnan (KO)
  • Kolemen Egemen (US)
  • Liu Yueqiang (EU)
  • Matsunaga Go (JA)
  • Mcintosh Simon (IO)
  • Pan Yuan (CN)
  • Patel Anshkumar Himanshu (IN)
  • Pau Alessandro (EU)
  • Pavel Aleynikov (EU)
  • Peysson Yves (EU)
  • Pigatto Leonardo (EU)
  • Sharma Devendra (IN)
  • Sozzi Carlo (EU)
  • Xiao Bingjia (CN)
  • Xu Liqing (CN)
  • Yang SeongMoo (US)
  • Yun Gunsu (KO)
  • Bandaru Vinodh Kumar (EU)
  • Chen Zhongyong (CN)
  • Clauser Cesar (US)
  • Ganesh Rajaraman (IN)
  • Gerasimov Sergei (EU)
  • Haiqing Liu (CN)
  • Harris Jeffrey (US)
  • Hu Xi Wei (CN)
  • Hu Di (IO)
  • Hu Qiming (US)
  • Igochine Valentin (EU)
  • Kerboua-benlarbi Samy (EU)
  • Konovalov Sergey (RF)
  • Liu Chang (US)
  • Maris Andrew David (US)
  • Menard Jonathon (US)
  • Munaretto Stefano (US)
  • Pan Yudong (CN)
  • Portone Alfredo (EU)
  • Pucella Gianluca (EU)
  • Ryu Chang-Mo (KO)
  • Saint-Laurent François (EU)
  • Schwarz Nina (EU)
  • Wang Zhengxiong (CN)
  • Yanovskiy Vadim (EU)
  • Yokoyama Tatsuya (JA)
  • You Kwang-Il (KO)
  • Zhu Ping (US)
  • Artaud Jean-François (EU)
  • Artola Javier (IO)
  • Baylor Larry (US)
  • Beidler Matthew (US)
  • Bolzonella Tommaso (EU)
  • Boyes William Samuel (US)
  • Chukashev Nikolay (RF)
  • Cui Zhengyin (CN)
  • Gao Zhe (CN)
  • Guenter Sibylle (EU)
  • Hoppe Mathias (EU)
  • Izzo Valerie (US)
  • Jaulmes Fabien (EU)
  • Kim Jayhyun (KO)
  • Lee Sang-Jun (KO)
  • Maraschek Marc (EU)
  • Murari Andrea (EU)
  • Nardon Eric (EU)
  • Pahari Sambaran (IN)
  • Pautasso Gabriella (EU)
  • Paz-Soldan Carlos (US)
  • Peterka Matej (EU)
  • Ratynskaia Svetlana (EU)
  • Rea Cristina (US)
  • Roccella Riccardo (IO)
  • Sauter Olivier (EU)
  • Schoonheere Nathan (EU)
  • Zhong Fangchuan (CN)